Does Water In Your Basement Mean Your Need Upgraded Waterproofing?

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Does Water In Your Basement Mean Your Need Upgraded Waterproofing?

28 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Typical residential basements aren't waterproof by design. Instead, they remain relatively dry by being part of larger systems designed to control, channel, and manage water. This system includes everything from your yard's grading to the gutters on your roof, and a problem with any part of your system can redirect water to the surprisingly porous concrete used in most basement walls.

Since concrete isn't inherently waterproof, moisture intrusion is a common issue with many basements. Homeowners take multiple approaches to deal with this issue, from internal drainage systems and sump pumps to full-on waterproofing. But how can you know if your water intrusion issues are serious enough to consider for a major waterproofing upgrade?

Why Is Basement Moisture Problematic?

Basement moisture can range in severity from seemingly minor humidity problems to major flooding. While you may face a broad range of potential moisture issues, any of them can be a serious problem for your home. Even elevated humidity levels can increase the likelihood of mold growth, resulting in a higher chance of spores traveling elsewhere and spreading throughout your home.

In severe cases, water that seeps through the concrete in your foundation's walls can even cause structural damage, leading to cracks and more serious foundation issues in the future. Small amounts of water intrusion may not seem like a major problem, but they can worsen over time or cause cumulative damage that may be drastically more costly to address.

When Should You Worry?

A small amount of dampness in your basement isn't necessarily an issue, and you may be able to address these problems with solutions such as room dehumidifiers. Likewise, basement drainage systems and sump pumps can help with routine nuisance water intrusion while keeping your basement floor dry.

However, there are a few signs that your problem is a cause for concern. The two biggest issues are standing water outside your drainage system or noticeable mold growth on walls, ceiling joists, or other areas. These two symptoms indicate that your basement's current water mitigation strategies are insufficient for the amount of moisture entering your home.

How Should You Address a Waterproofing Issue?

For existing construction, interior waterproofing methods are typically the best and most cost-effective option. Exterior options require excavation and are more costly, although they may be necessary if your home has a severe flooding problem. Likewise, it may be important to address runoff issues from your roof, gutter problems, or grading issues on your lawn.

In most cases, interior waterproofing involves using waterproofing coatings or vapor barriers to prevent water from entering your basement. You may also require upgrades to interior drainage systems or sump pumps to deal with excess water. These solutions can help permanently stop water intrusion in your basement, helping you avoid many potentially costly future issues.

About Me
Living Through Flood Damage

Hello. My name is Jessica Evans. My husband and I have two young children. Last spring our home suffered horrible flood damage from storms. The water got into our house from the foundation and numerous roof leaks. I honestly thought we had lost our house. Fortunately, we found an amazing damage contractor. Our contractor knew all the right people who could repair the damages to our home. We had to have work done on our foundation, basement, floors, walls, and roof. I want to share more about how we got through this rough time. Should you ever suffer extreme damage from flooding, I want you to know that there is hope. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you find it to be helpful.
