Should you ever suffer extreme damage from flooding, there is hope. Click here for more information about living through flood damage.

3 Reasons Why Adding A Fire Sprinkler System To Your Home Is A Good Idea

14 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Home fire sprinklers are becoming more common in newly constructed houses. They're capable of extinguishing house fires quickly, limiting their spread. This helps keep the occupants of a building safer, and it also reduces property damage. However, they're not limited to new construction. You can also upgrade existing homes with fire sprinklers. They draw water from the plumbing system that the home already uses, so only a few pipes and sprinkler heads need to be added. Read More …

Unfinished Crawl Spaces May Let In Termites: But Waterproofing Can Keep Them Out

24 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Many homes with crawl spaces are not properly waterproofed, a problem that may lead to unexpected issues. For example, termites may invade a home through an unfinished crawl space and cause a homeowner a lot of trouble. As a result, it is a good idea for those in this situation to seek out a professional who can waterproof a crawl space and make sure that it is protected against termites. Read More …

Have Water Damage In Your Home? Make Sure You Do The Following 6 Things

21 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Dealing with water damage in a home can be an extremely frustrating situation to recover from. Thankfully, these tips will help you get through it. Shut Down the Power One of the biggest dangers of dealing with water damage is the risk of electrocution. That is why you must find a way to safely turn off the water before dealing with any type of damage control. It is not worth running the risk of being electrocuted if you cannot shut down the power to your home. Read More …

About Me
Living Through Flood Damage

Hello. My name is Jessica Evans. My husband and I have two young children. Last spring our home suffered horrible flood damage from storms. The water got into our house from the foundation and numerous roof leaks. I honestly thought we had lost our house. Fortunately, we found an amazing damage contractor. Our contractor knew all the right people who could repair the damages to our home. We had to have work done on our foundation, basement, floors, walls, and roof. I want to share more about how we got through this rough time. Should you ever suffer extreme damage from flooding, I want you to know that there is hope. Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you find it to be helpful.
